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11 things you'll know if you grew up watching Cartoon Network

The weirdest channel of them all.

1. You still don’t understand why you were so taken with Cow And Chicken

cowandchicken Source: YouTube

A cow and a chicken, who are siblings, who were birthed by human parents… God only knows.

2. And this will never stop haunting you

parents Source: funnyjunk

The parents were…just legs. They were JUST LEGS.

3. You may not have studied French in school, but you do know one key phrase

tumblr_mozd80pbYh1rxsftpo1_500 Source: Tumblr

Omelette du FROMAGE!

4. Courage the Cowardly Dog was scarier than it had any right to be

4015245-courage-the-cowardly-dog-courage-the-cowardly-dog-21182555-544-408 Source: Comicvine

Seriously! This was a KIDS SHOW.

5. And to this day, you think of this guy

returntheslab Source: funnyjunk.com

WTF was that? And this? And that? Nightmares forever.

6. You’re still not sure why the animators were so obsessed with arses

tumblr_nkcu3yQucK1sgixyoo1_500 Source: Tumblr

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And why are they all red? What’s wrong with you, Cartoon Network people?

7. And how they were able to get away with a character who was essentially walking cleavage

MsBellumAndGirls Source: Hellogiggles

No face, just boobs. This would NEVER happen today.

8. Not to mention Johnny Bravo being a complete creep

hyOZ9Do Source: Imgur

9. You were never sure what I Am Weasel was about, but by god that theme tune was catchy

Source: Cartoon Network/YouTube

~You don’t need pants for the victory dance~

10. You craved one of these jawbreakers from Ed, Ed and Eddy, despite the physical impossibility of them

edededdy Source: wikia

Think of all those sugar highs we could have enjoyed!

11. The weirdest thing though? You never thought all this was weird at the time

giphy Source: Giphy

F**ked up, Cartoon Network. F**ked up.

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More: 13 things you’ll know if you grew up watching Nickelodeon>

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